Title: UrbanSTEM – for the cities and society of the future
Duration: 18 months (May 2021 – November 2022)
Budget: 251,067.14 EUR
The UrbanSTEM project enables the improvement of the capacity of civil society organizations for the implementation of STEM popularization programs through cooperation with higher education institutions and the promotion of science and scientific research through an interdisciplinary approach to planning the cities of the future.
Through this project, we want to use innovative approaches, and educational and research processes to improve the attractiveness of occupations in STEM areas relevant to the planning of cities of the future with an emphasis on clean transport based on hydrogen.
As part of the project, a mini fleet of hydrogen bicycles will be established. The upgrade of the first Croatian hydrogen refuelling station installed in front of the Power Engineering Laboratory of the UNIZAG FSB will ensure their refuelling with green hydrogen, i.e. hydrogen produced via water electrolysis using solar energy.