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RH2EC – 2024
Solar hydrogen technologies



Securing electrical energy in the case of climate extremes and natural disasters (H2ElEn)

Climate extremes and the natural disasters caused by them will significantly disrupt the secure energy supply. Carrying out the applied research, within this project, the energy core of mobile and stationary so-called emergency systems based on the use of solar energy and hydrogen will be developed.

The purpose of the emergency system is to provide energy in crises that arise because of climate extremes with a shorter duration of one day/two to a week/two. The focus is on keeping the microgrid alive in case of failure of the main network, whether the cause is by wind broken grid, destroyed lightning substations, floods, high temperatures, or overloading the energy demands such as cooling in summer.

The H2ElEn project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and is worth over 480,000.00 EUR. The project was presented to the public for the first time at a mini thematic conference entitled Hydrogen in the Energy Transition held on September 11th, 2020 in the Crystal Hall of the Westin Hotel in Zagreb. The public presentation was attended by representatives of economic entities, envoys of the President of the Republic of Croatia and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, representatives of ministries and decision-makers, representatives of scientific research institutions, and the media. The conference was held following the recommendations and measures of the Croatian Institute of Public Health (CIPH) and the National Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia.

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European Union

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Together to EU funds