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Croatian National Hydrogen Strategy

Hrvatska strategija za vodik

Published by admin

February 25, 2021

The Government of the Republic of Croatia at its session held on February 25th 2021, adopted:

Decision on initiating the process of drafting the Croatian National Hydrogen Strategy in the period from 2021 to 2050

The strategy will prescribe a national vision for the development, research, production, infrastructure, and use of hydrogen and the Hydrogen Economy, taking into account the achievement of the goal of climate neutrality from the European Green Plan by 2050, as well as national goals for infrastructure development for alternative fuels. The goal of the Strategy is the decarbonization of hydrogen production and the use of hydrogen as a replacement for fossil fuels.

The agenda of the 45th session of the Government of the Republic of Croatia is available at: https://vlada.gov.hr/sjednice/45-sjednica-vlade-republike-hrvatske-31559/31559

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